Eye Injuries


Protecting Your Pet’s Vision

Eye injuries can be alarming and potentially serious for pets. Without proper care, they can lead to vision loss or blindness. Immediate veterinary attention is often necessary. Our emergency veterinarians in Millard and Omaha, NE, recommend seeking urgent treatment for any eye injury your pet sustains.


Simple vs. Complex Eye Injuries

Pets can suffer from various eye injuries, including scratches to the cornea, penetrating wounds, perforating injuries, and damage to internal eye structures such as the iris or retina.

Common Causes of Pet Eye Trauma

Pets can injure their eyes at home, in the yard, or while away. Running through vegetation, jumping through bushes, or fighting with other animals are common causes. Cats often scratch at faces during disputes, making them prone to eye injuries.

How We Treat Pet Eye Trauma

Emergency treatment for pet eye injuries varies based on injury type and complexity. Simple injuries might require eye drops for infection prevention and pain relief, while complex injuries may necessitate surgery to repair damaged tissues. Consult a veterinarian for appropriate care.


Contact Our Emergency Veterinarians

If your pets’ eye injury needs urgent care, contact our emergency veterinarians in Millard or Papillion immediately. We provide reliable and timely treatment to ensure your pets’ health and well-being.


Having an Emergency?

If your pet is experiencing a life-threatening injury or illness, stop and call now.

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