Bone Fractures


The Impact of Fractures

Broken bones are quite common in pets and can cause significant pain, impacting their ability to stand, sit, or walk properly. Without treatment, fractures can result in permanent damage.


How Pets Get Fractures

Pets can suffer broken bones from various incidents such as being struck by a vehicle, engaging in fights, or falling from heights. Fractures can be “open” where the bone protrudes through the skin or “closed” where the skin remains intact. Both types necessitate immediate veterinary care to prevent complications.

Sprain or Fracture? How to Tell the Difference

While sprains and strains cause limping with some weight-bearing, fractures are more severe. Open fractures visibly show the bone, while closed fractures may result in the pet holding the leg off the ground completely. In cases of back fractures, pets might experience paralysis, indicating a serious injury.


Our Emergency Veterinarians in Millard and Omaha Can Help Your Pet Heal

Our emergency veterinarians in Millard and Omaha are skilled in diagnosing and treating fractures. Treatment varies based on the type of fracture, the pet’s age, and the bone affected. Simple fractures often require splints or casts to immobilize the bone for healing. More complex fractures might need surgical intervention with pins, plates, or screws to stabilize the bones and promote recovery.


Having an Emergency?

If your pet is experiencing a fracture or broken bone, stop and call now.

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