Urgent Care Check-In


Urgent Pet Care has implemented an online/mobile check-in service for urgent care visits. This check-in and registration method allows us to ensure that our patients needing the most urgent care are prioritized. To schedule a time, choose a clinic below

If your pet is experiencing a life-threatening injury or illness stop and call now.

Urgent Care Check-In: Papillion

8455 South 73rd Plaza
Papillion, Nebraska

Urgent Care Check-In: Millard

4257 South 144th Street
Omaha, Nebraska


Frequently Asked Questions


What if I come to the hospital without checking in first?

You can check in once you arrive, and depending on the condition of your pet, we will triage your pet to see if they need to be seen right away or if they are stable we will ask you to return home to wait until it is your pet’s turn to be seen.

What if I opt out of receiving text messages?

A staff member will call you to communicate instead of sending text messages.

What if I decide I no longer want/need to have my pet seen?

Reply “9” to cancel your check-in spot or call the hospital and let us know so we can remove your pet from our waiting queue.

How do I know if my pet’s condition is critical and needs to be brought in ASAP vs stable and able to wait their turn?

We understand it can be confusing when your pet is sick to know if they need to be rushed into the hospital or not, so we always encourage you to call us we are always happy to answer your questions. You may also review common signs of an emergency that may require immediate care in the link below.

What’s an Emergency?

Do you take pet’s in the order they are checked in? Are you able to give an estimated wait time for my pet to be seen?

We try to take patients in the order they are checked in, but they are also triaged similarly to a human ER, with more severe patients always seen first. Once you check your pet in, we will triage them based on the clinical signs you’ve provided. Patients that arrive with life-threatening or serious injuries or illnesses will require immediate attention which can create longer wait times for more stable pets.